Having children in Japan

In order for the mother to have a peaceful and calm gestation, several entities provide support for foreigners’ pregnancies

Having children in a foreign country brings to the pregnant woman a series of insecurities, mainly because of the language and cultural difference. A series of procedures are necessary for pregnancy, childbirth, and raising children in the country. For you to understand, we have created a simplified step-by-step after the pregnancy is confirmed.

  1. Consult a doctor, preferably an obstetrician-gynecologist ( sanfujinka, 産婦人科医)
  2. The hospital or clinic where you were hospitalized will give you a Pregnancy Notification
  3. With the Notification, go to the health department of your municipality and hand in the Notification to obtain the Mother and Child Health Handbook. (Boshi Kenko techo/母子健康手帳)
  4. Doing health exams and check-ups for pregnant women whenever necessary (Ninpuu Kenshin/妊婦健診)
  5. Submit the documentation for the maternity allowance (Shussan’ikujiichijikin/出産育児一時金)
  6. Attend parent training courses (Haha (ryō) oya gakkyū/母(両)親学級)
  7. Household visit for pregnant women 妊婦訪問
  8. Hospitalization/Partum 入院・分娩
  9. Birth Registration Certificate/Application for Child Allowance 出生届・児童手当申請等
  10. Postpartum care activities/Pre- and post-parto support activities産後ケア事業産前・産後サポート事業
  11. Embassy and immigration procedures 大使館・入国管理局での手続き
  12. Newborn home visitation新生児訪問
  13. Medical Examination of the First-Month-Child 1 か月健診
  14. Visiting all households with a breastfeeding baby乳児家庭全戸訪問
  15. Preventive vaccination at 2 months 2か月予防接種
  16. Medical Examination of the 3-5 month old child 3~5か月児健診
  17. Food classes (solid food) 離乳食教室りにゅうしょくきょうしつ
  18. Final stage medical checkup of breastfeeding baby乳児後期健診


  1. Medical Examination of the 1 year and 6 months old child 1歳6か月児健診
  2. 2-year dental health check-up 2歳児歯科健診
  3. Medical Examination of the 3-year-old Child 3歳児健診
  4. Entering daycare/kindergarten保育園・幼稚園入園
  5. Medical Examination of the 5-year-old Child 5歳児健診
  6. Health check-up before school entry就学前健診
  7. Primary School Entrance小学校入学

Source: Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

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