Vaccinations for children in Japan are free

Regular vaccinations for children in Japan are free

A healthy child is born with the immunizers received from its mother, through the umbilical cord and through breastfeeding, but the immune system is still immature and the production of antibodies and the mechanisms will only develop over the years and with the development of the antibodies themselves. For this, it is important that the child receives the appropriate vaccines recommended by doctors within the pre-established deadlines.

The immunity received from the mother during pregnancy is practically exhausted 6 months after birth.

In order for the child to remain immune, there is a need to create protection for the baby. This protection is preventive vaccination.

A newborn baby can develop severe symptoms of virus or bacterial infections in a short time if not properly immunized.

These infections are diseases that can be prevented through the antibodies acquired in preventive vaccination, creating barriers so that the child is not infected by these diseases. Even in cases where infection does occur, the child being previously vaccinated, the disease does not get worse.

In Japan there are two types of preventive vaccination: the “regular type” and the “optional type”.

If we include the optional type, there are more than 15 vaccinations by the first year, and about 10 more vaccinations by the age of 3.

It is possible to start vaccinations from 2 months after birth, with the possibility of multiple vaccinations in a single visit.

Consult your pediatrician and make a vaccination plan.