Health check-ups to pregnant women are partially charged

Health check-ups for pregnant women – values partially charged to the pregnant woman 妊婦健診【一部自己負担あり】

The prefectures will give pregnant women coupons for “Help to do health checkups for pregnant women”, so that the future mother can do all the necessary medical exams. These exams are periodic and can be done in clinics or hospitals, as long as the reservation is made in advance.

In Japan, it is recommended that pregnant women have 14 checkups.

At check ups, tests will be done and medication will be prescribed, if necessary, to observe the child’s development, the health condition of the pregnant woman and the baby itself.

At these check ups, the doctor will be able to advise you on the best way to get through the pregnancy, on everyday life situations and on diet, based on nutrition during pregnancy.

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