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The importance of Health Insurance in your life in Japan

Medical consultation in Japan are very expensive, the japanese Health Insurance helps to drastically reduce the amounts to be paid.

When arriving in Japan it’s important to acquire a Health Insurance. 

The two mains existing insurances are: municipal health insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken/国民健康保険) and the health insurance of the company where you work (Shakai Hoken/社会保険).

Having insurance is mandatory for all foreigners who intend to stay in the country for more than 3 months.

Kokumin Kenko Hoken/国民健康保険

Municipal health insurance is a benefit for people who do not have health insurance from the company where they work. Therefore it must be requested at the prefecture where you’re registered. This insurance is intended for self-employed, unemployed and retired workers.

The amount to be paid monthly is calculated according to the family’s salary.

Conditions for claiming insurance:

  • Be living in the city where you have the address registered.
  • Have an appropriate residence status and expect to stay in Japan for more than 3 months.
  • Not be enrolled in an employer-provided public health insurance plan.
  • Not be enrolled in the Elderly Medical ASsistance System (with 75 years or more)
  • Not be a beneficiary of public financial assistance.

The amounts to be paid in consultations are on average:

  • 20% of the bill for babies and preschool children (in some prefectures, such as Yokohama for example, depending on their income, the amounts to be paid can reach zero).
  • 30% of the bill for those up to 70 years old
  • For those over 70: 20% (people with high annual incomes continue to pay 30%)

Shakai Hoken/社会保険

Shakai Hoken must be provided by your employer and consists of three mandatory insurances: health insurance, unemployment insurance and retirement. The amounts collected are 50% paid by the worker and 50% paid by the employer, the amount varies according to your salary. 

Shakai Hoken or Kokumin Kenko Hoken covers a large part of medical expenses, including dentists and the purchase of medicines. 

Source:Nagoya’s Prefecture